Blast from the Past

The latest edition of the Merrimack Valley Magazine features a fascinating article by Chris Markuns, my photos and a lot of up-front work by Christine Lewis, about the vanishing Social Club. I would imagine, like most people, my initial mental image was of dark woodwork, a fireplace, cigars and a cast who looked like the Monopoly guy sitting in leather chairs sipping single-malt scotch. Um... not exactly. These are neighborhood clubs in non-descript buildings in which groups of friends have gathered to hangout since they were kids in the neighborhood. I found the guys to be very welcoming. My visit was a truly interesting experience. Read about these clubs in the latest issue of the magazine!

Merrimack Valley's Private Social Clubs

If you have any questions or comments about this article, or anything else, I encourage you to leave a comment! And if you want to discuss a project, shoot me an email. I'll answer it!